Posted inLynblog

Ti grunde til at være en glad libertarianer

“If you understand the value of personal liberty and free exchange, it’s easy to get mired in sadness at how government is rapidly destroying both. Spend enough time reading and talking about the destructive actions of government and you’re bound to get depressed. Get depressed and you’re less likely to have any positive impact within […]

Posted inLynblog

Dagens råd fra Onkel Mao

En ven har i løbet af sommeren været på ferie i Shanghai, og har medbragt mig en lille souvenir; Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (ja, den lille røde), så det er vist på sin plads at dele et lille citat fra den: We must affirm anew the discipline of the Party, namely: (1) the individual […]