Rædselsfuld konklusion i nyt CEPOS notat:
“Pengepolitik vil også være mere effektiv end finanspolitik til at mindske virkningerne af
finanskrisen, idet lavere renter og øget pengemængde kan bidrage til at genoprette
kreditvilligheden i den finansielle sektor samt mindske presset på boligejernes økonomi.”
FYI: I’m gonna ride this like a kid on a themepark roller coaster.

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  1. George Reisman: “[T]he massive increase in the quantity of money the government is currently bringing about will fuel sharply rising prices and give birth to a new crisis. This time, a crisis of inflation. Then, the government will either have to be content with a US economy that resembles the economic system of a Latin American country or it will have to rein in its inflation. If it chooses the latter quickly, we’ll be back to the situation that prevailed in the early 1980s and have to undergo a fresh economic contraction, though probably one of much greater size than then, because of the unfinished business left over from the present crisis.”

  2. George Reisman: “[T]he massive increase in the quantity of money the government is currently bringing about will fuel sharply rising prices and give birth to a new crisis. This time, a crisis of inflation. Then, the government will either have to be content with a US economy that resembles the economic system of a Latin American country or it will have to rein in its inflation. If it chooses the latter quickly, we’ll be back to the situation that prevailed in the early 1980s and have to undergo a fresh economic contraction, though probably one of much greater size than then, because of the unfinished business left over from the present crisis.”

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