Kun få ting interesserer mig mindre end biler. Jeg ejer en Toyota Carina fra 1994 der har en fornuftig driftsøkonomi for mig. Jeg ejer ej heller et fjernsyn.
Alligevel ser jeg altid TopGear når jeg kan slippe afsted med det og erklærer mig hermed for første gang offentligt som fan af showet og af dets ankermand Jeremy Clarkson.

Og her er en af de godbider der gør mig til fan fra Clarksons klumme i Tanten:

[Clarkson vurderer året 2008 nyheder af biler] “Lad os lægge ud med BMW X6, som fik min nyligt indstiftede Hvad-tænker-de-dog-på-pris. Har du set en X6?

Nej, og jeg tvivler på, at du nogensinde kommer til det, for i en verden plaget af økonomisk krise, som tilmed er styret af mennesker, der synes at mene, at verdens isbjørne sidder oppe ved Nordpolen og nipper til Piña coladas, mens de smører sig ind i en fornuftig solfaktor […]”

Manden har jo fuldstændig ret – i hvert fald i det om verdens ledere der er for dumme – biler har jeg som sagt ikke forstand på.

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  1. @ Hans Henrik Juhl
    Du har ret i at Clarkson er bedst på sin oprindelige sprog – sådan er det jo med det meste. Men selve citatet synes jeg nu er meget godt ramt – både hans humor og essensen:
    “We start with the BMW X6, which must receive my inaugural What Were They Thinking Of award. Have you seen one? No, and I doubt you ever will because in a world that’s plagued with recession and run by people who believe the world’s polar bears are up at the North Pole sipping pina coladas and slapping on the factor five”

  2. @ Hans Henrik Juhl
    Du har ret i at Clarkson er bedst på sin oprindelige sprog – sådan er det jo med det meste. Men selve citatet synes jeg nu er meget godt ramt – både hans humor og essensen:
    “We start with the BMW X6, which must receive my inaugural What Were They Thinking Of award. Have you seen one? No, and I doubt you ever will because in a world that’s plagued with recession and run by people who believe the world’s polar bears are up at the North Pole sipping pina coladas and slapping on the factor five”

  3. Jeg tilslutter mig Jeremy Clarksons fanskare.
    Tilbage i december kom han i modvind, efter at have givet en dårlig anmeldelse af den eldrevne sportsvogn Tesla, som ifølge Clarkson løb tør for strøm under testen.
    Fra hans underholdende svar i The Times:
    “Tesla could not complain about what was shown because it was there. And here’s the strange thing. It didn’t. But someone did. Loudly and to every newspaper in the world. The Daily Telegraph said we’d been caught up in a new fakery row. The Guardian accused us of being “underhanded”. The New York Times wondered if we’d been “misleading”. The Daily Mail said I could give you breast cancer….
    …. So who was driving this onslaught? Nobody in the big wide world ever minds when I say a BMW 1-series is crap or that a Kia Rio is the worst piece of machinery since the landmine. And yet everyone went mad when I said the Tesla, the red-blooded sports car and great white hope for the world’s green movement, “absolutely does not work”.
    I fear that what we are seeing here is much the same thing professors see when they claim there is no such thing as man-made global warming. Immediately, they are drowned out by an unseen mob, and then their funding dries up. It’s actually quite frightening.”

  4. Jeg tilslutter mig Jeremy Clarksons fanskare.
    Tilbage i december kom han i modvind, efter at have givet en dårlig anmeldelse af den eldrevne sportsvogn Tesla, som ifølge Clarkson løb tør for strøm under testen.
    Fra hans underholdende svar i The Times:
    “Tesla could not complain about what was shown because it was there. And here’s the strange thing. It didn’t. But someone did. Loudly and to every newspaper in the world. The Daily Telegraph said we’d been caught up in a new fakery row. The Guardian accused us of being “underhanded”. The New York Times wondered if we’d been “misleading”. The Daily Mail said I could give you breast cancer….
    …. So who was driving this onslaught? Nobody in the big wide world ever minds when I say a BMW 1-series is crap or that a Kia Rio is the worst piece of machinery since the landmine. And yet everyone went mad when I said the Tesla, the red-blooded sports car and great white hope for the world’s green movement, “absolutely does not work”.
    I fear that what we are seeing here is much the same thing professors see when they claim there is no such thing as man-made global warming. Immediately, they are drowned out by an unseen mob, and then their funding dries up. It’s actually quite frightening.”

  5. Når man ser hans “manifest”, kan det heller ikke undre, at 50.000 mennesker har skrevet under på en online underskriftsindsamling, med titlen “make Jeremy Clarkson Prime Minister”.
    Om miljøet:
    “The biggest threat we face, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation, is rising sea levels. Plainly, then, there is too much water in the world, so why don’t we just call Nasa and ask it to take some of it into space? Space is only 75 miles from the surface of the Earth, so why not make a giant hosepipe, dip one end in the sea and take the other end out into the void, where, of course, there is a vacuum. That means the water will be sucked up the pipe without the need for any energy-absorbing pumps.”
    Om Irak:
    “… The cost to the American government since the conflict began is put by some observers at £100 billion. And they could have given everyone in Iraq a small car for less than that…
    This is bribery, of course, but what’s wrong with that? It would have saved 25,000 lives, made everyone over there happy, removed the motive for the London bombings and thus saved Britain £3 billion. Furthermore, it would have provided a much-needed boost for the beleaguered American motor industry. Make cars, not war. That’s what I say.”

  6. Når man ser hans “manifest”, kan det heller ikke undre, at 50.000 mennesker har skrevet under på en online underskriftsindsamling, med titlen “make Jeremy Clarkson Prime Minister”.
    Om miljøet:
    “The biggest threat we face, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation, is rising sea levels. Plainly, then, there is too much water in the world, so why don’t we just call Nasa and ask it to take some of it into space? Space is only 75 miles from the surface of the Earth, so why not make a giant hosepipe, dip one end in the sea and take the other end out into the void, where, of course, there is a vacuum. That means the water will be sucked up the pipe without the need for any energy-absorbing pumps.”
    Om Irak:
    “… The cost to the American government since the conflict began is put by some observers at £100 billion. And they could have given everyone in Iraq a small car for less than that…
    This is bribery, of course, but what’s wrong with that? It would have saved 25,000 lives, made everyone over there happy, removed the motive for the London bombings and thus saved Britain £3 billion. Furthermore, it would have provided a much-needed boost for the beleaguered American motor industry. Make cars, not war. That’s what I say.”

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