“Something called OFHEO was set up in 1992 by Congress, and the sole job of OFHEO was to watch over Fannie and Freddie, someone to watch over them. And they were there to evaluate the soundness and the accounting and all of that. Two companies were all they had to regulate. OFHEO has over 200 employees now. They have a budget now that’s $65 million a year, and all they have to do is look at two companies.” (Hattip: US)
Havde mere kontrol med Fannie og Freddie hjulpet? Skulle Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight have været 400 mand stort? 1000 mand? Hvis de konservative socialister også lige ville bruge fem minutter på at se første halvdel af denne video, så kunne de bagefter komme igen og forklare, hvordan det lige var at politik var løsningen og ikke problemet.